Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Found Movie Interest

I watched Slumdog Millionaire for the firs time last month and I've been meaning to blog about it for the longest! Let me just start by saying the this movie touched me emotionally in so many ways. I know it sounds corny but it is true. This epic movie stars Dev Patel as an Indian "Slumdog", Jamal, who some how manges to end up on Indian's version on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and wins by chance of past experiences helping him answer seemingly impossible questions! A slumdog is like an undesireable, poorest of the poor, in Indian. I won't ruin it for people who have not seen it yet but it turns out money was not his only reason for going on the show. Must see 10 out of 10!

List of Favorite Uncoming Actors:
1. Kyle Galner
2. Dev Patel
3. Amanda Seyfried

Oldies but Goodies

1. The Pianist
-Can you tell I'm a huge Adrien Brody fan? =]

2. Remember The Titans

3. Signs
-Even if Mel Gibson has gone off the deep end hahaha.

These are just a few random movies that I have re-watched within the last month. Its never a bad thing to brush up on some goods flicks. I make it a point of mine to do so as to tsken in parts I may have missed or just be re entertained lol.

So whats one of your favorite oldies? Leave it in a comment, I would love your feed back =]

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Top Choices: Summer 2010

1. Karate Kid

-It was the coolest movie! This is the type of movie that isnt just for little kids, you can see it with friends or family. Jayden Smith is judt like his father lol its too cute. For a little guy he is very very talented =]

2. Eclipse

-Obviously this is a suggestion for the TRUE 'Twilight Saga' fans. I didnt like a lot of the changes they made from the book to the movie (I like the books better) but it was still a really good movie.

3. Predators (Not out yet) July 9th

-I WILL BE SEEING THIS MOVIE! I love Adrien Brody...I love Predator (the original). This is at the top of my must see list for the summer.