Ummm so who's excited? I'm excited!!! Is there anything else to say? I feel the need to
do any official count down for this movie :] In 8 days Robert Downey Jr. will be reprising
his role as Tony Stark aka Iron Man. The first film left us with Tony admitting his counter ego
to the media. For those that remember "The Hulk" (2008), what I like to call the THANK GOD
remake, Samuel L. Jackson approaches General Ross,between credits, talking about putting
together a team...dun dun dunnnnn. No shocker that he will be in "Iron Man 2"...so any more
secret endings to foreshadow future movies? I don't know but I sure am ready to find out :]
Comments welcomed.
Can't wait for this one! I love the trailer were the suit opens from a compact briefcase!